
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Halloween was a great weekend. The boys understood what they needed to do in order to get candy this year. Jared was actaully sneaky too, when one lady turned her back he took more. We spent the weekend with my Dad and sisters. The boys had so much fun with Grandpa. We went on 2 hayrides although the boys probably don't remember the 2nd one since they fell asleep. A trip to the tractor store, playing on the Fire Trucks, a long walk to the playground and then off to the falls.

Saturday we went Trick-or-Treating and the ended up at Aunt Karen's for food and fun. The boys got to hold Ava while they were all in their costumes. So cute.

Sunday was another fun day as we celebrate Dave's birthday in NY complete with 33 candles on a cake. The boys again were thrilled to have Ava around. They each were able to hold her on their own and they were soooooo good with her.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well here we are at the end of October already. The weather has been on and off good. We got what we think was the last trip of the year in at the Zoo. It was in the 60's so the animals were all moving around which was good for the boys.

If you have ever been to our house you know we have all kinds of leaves. We have been filling pumpkin and ghost bags since the leaves started falling and we have lots of them and many more could bed filled. The boys love playing with the neighboors in the leaves. We have a slide that they can slide down and then land in the leaves. They love it.

The boys have also helped to decorate the house for Halloween. We have pumpkin patches, spider webs (big and small), ghosts and many more. They love when we do "projects." We did a Trunk or Treat at their preschool last weekend. They we able to trick or treat from the trunks of cars and then go inside and play games. We found out that Joshua loves to bowl and Jared is really good at throwing balls into buckets. The loved wearing their costumes. Since they climb everything and if they could they would be swining from the trees I thought is only fitting for them to be Monkies this year. We have a light monkey and a dark monkey and they ask everyday to wear them again. Lucky little boys, they get to wear them to school on Friday and then again on Halloween night.

We are spending Halloween weekend with my Dad and sisters (2/3). The boys are so excited to see Grandpa and go trick or treating with him.

Happy Halloween.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

1st day of Preschool

Last Friday was the first day that Jared and Joshua went to Preschool. Dave had to work so I took them and made snack mats with them. The boys picked their paper and then we added shapes, stickers, pictures from home and Pooh Bears (that is their class name).

This Friday was their 1st official day of Preschool since they went without Mommy and Daddy. NO TEARS. That made it easier for Mommy. Dave and I went out for Breakfast, went shopping and then picked up the boys. They were excited to see us and tell us all about their day. Hopefully everyweek will be as good.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tube/Hearing Check

Today was our 6 month Tube/Hearing check for the boys. Dave got stuck on overtime so my mom went with us. The boys ran around duPont playing with different things until it was our turn and then the tears started. Josh cried for Grammy and Jared while Jared cried for Mommy and Joshua. The boys did an average job for their hearing tests. We still do not like strangers and then when they are in the same room with us and trying to make us stick things in our ears or wear headphones. It does not make us happy. Jared's hearing is still normal and there has been no change for Joshua (yeah, normal hearing still in the left ear).
Next we changed room and met with a Nurse Practitioner. She was looking at the hearing tests and said that Joshua's level were a little high for his right ear and she was unsure as to why. UMMMMMMM maybe because he has a hearing loss in his right ear. And I paid for this visit.

Summer has just about ended. The weather has turned to fall and we are enjoying walks and being outside for longer periods of time since it is not so hot.

The boys start school next week. I will be sure to post onhow their first day goes. Talk to you later.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer Part 2

Well it has been awhile. Let's see, Joshua had his MRI and it was tough on him but also Dave, Jared and I. Dave stayed home with Jared and I had Joshua at duPont. He was stuck for his IV but then when he was thrashing around it pulled out. In order to get another one in they had to give a shot that basicly knocked him out. The MRI went off without a problem, it was after that was tough. Joshua is 2.5 but I brought home a little boy who had no more control over his body than a 3 month old. He could not sit, crawl, stand or even hold his head up without help. It was very tough since he wanted to get up and play. Jared was wonderful, he sat with us on the floor and watched TV. He went and got Joshua toys and blankets to keep him happy. This went on for about 2-3 days before we had our Joshua back. The test showed nothing out of the ordinary but it still was a sucky day for us. Because of the hearing loss in his right ear he qualified for Early Intervention. He sees a Speech Therapist 1x month just to make sure he stays on track with his speech.

We have been quite the party hosts this summer. We started with my mom's birthday in June and that ended with us taking Thunder to an Animal ER because he put his foot through our bedroom window. Thanks to my Aunts and Cousin we didn't have to clean up when we came home.. My mom took care of the boys, another thing we didn't have to worry about.

July brought a trip to NY for the boys and I so we could spend 4th of July with Grandpa and also for a Baby Shower for my cousin Traci (who as I write this has less than 6 days until her DUE date). The boys were wonderful watching fireworks. They fell asleep about 10-15 minutes into them. Oh well. They were also such good boys on the 6 hour drive home. Mommy had to drive and couldn't pick up toys every 5 minutes. Thank goodness for DVD players.
July was also another family picnic, this time for Dave's mom's birthday. This weekend ended with Dave pulling something in his groin when he picked up a table. He found out later that week he needed to have surgery to repair a hernia. He is doing well now, just taking it easy.

All and all we are having a good summer. We have had our ups and downs but we are enjoying it. We have been to the Zoo to see all the animals. Each visit is just as exciting as the last.

The boys start school (1 day a week for 3 hours) in September. I think it will be good for them to play with other kids their age and also to realize that they can have fun without Mommy and Daddy having to be right there. We signed them up for Tumbling again so that will make 2 days a week that they have scheduled activites.

Hope all is well with you and we will write again soon.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fair and MRI

So far we are having a good start to our summer. We took the boys to the DC Fair last weekend and they loved it. As soon as 1 ride was done they were asking for the next one. There were a lot of ride that they could actually ride and I loved that. From big slides to motorcycles and even their 1st roller coaster (kiddie style that is). They had a blast.

Joshua has an MRI scheduled for this Friday to look at his ears but also to look at his glands along his jawline. The jawline on both Josh and Jared's right side swells up and then goes away and then comes back again. It is weird so we want to know what it is. Once they have results for Joshua if there is a concern then we will schedule Jared's but since Joshua will already be under they will do both MRI's.

Joshua was also evaluated by an Early Intervention team last week. He has no delays but because of the hearing loss he will receive therapy once a month. It is more a way to monitor him right now but also to help Dave and I understand what we need to do to help Joshua get the most of things that he can.

Hope all is well with you. Talk to you later.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Joshua's ABR test

Joshua had his ABR (auditory brainsteam response) test on Thursday. It is a brainstem test to check his hearing ability. After having tubes put in in February, Joshua failed 2 hearing tests. The results of this test showed that he has Severe Hearing loss in his right ear. There is nothing that we have to do as of now to help Joshua hear better. He is so young that putting a hearing aid in would likely only complicate the hearing process and confuse him when it comes to speech due the fact that it is only a loss in one ear. I am going to be in touch with the Delaware County Intemediate Unit just to have Joshua evaluated for future purposes. We were told that he will need an IEP (individualized education plan) once he hits school age due to the location of seating and the possibility of a hearing device. That is all when school age comes and I am not thinking too far ahead right now. We will continue to enjoy everyday that we have with Joshua and Jared and take one day at a time. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayer today as we took the next step to figuring out what was going on with Joshua.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NO more adjusted age

That's right, the Wothers Brothers have caught up and can now say that they are actually 2 in all areas of development. We went to the Developmental Pediatrician' s today and they were very impresesed with what Joshua and Jared can do. The boys both scored high on cognitive ability, they are at about at 31 month level. Good job boys since you are only 26.5 month old. Their language and motor skills are great too. I guess it pays to have a teacher as a Mommy.
Good job Joshua and Jared.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

90 degress in April

Who would have thought that we would have a taste of Summer in April. Well right here in good old PA we did. It was a beautiful weekend but also hot. I went away for the first time since the boys were born. I went to Scranton with other Moms of Mulitiples for a get away weekend. It was a lot of fun but I missed my little men.

Sunday was March for Babies. As a team we raised $820.00. That is more than last year so we were proud. I truely believe that without the March of Dimes that the Wothers family would be in a different place today. It was a balming 88 degrees. Joshua and Jared do not like being hot and sticky. We ended up shortning our walk a tad. Once we let them out and they cooled down they were their happy selves again. They got to see animals (goats, ducks, and birds) and they just loved that. We also saw a huge green kangaroo and Joshua had other thoughts about that.

When we got home on Sunday it was hot. Dave set up the boys swimming pool and water table and in April the boys went swimming and played in water. They had so much fun. To look at them now and remember what they were like last year it still amazes me as to how much they have grown.

As they grow they need new toys to fit them. We bought them little tricycles. They love them. They each have a basket on back to carry sippy cups and right now that is all that matters. We go everywhere with sippy cups. It keep them happy and when the boys are happy so is Mommy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jared and Joshua's Ears

As you all know Joshua and Jared had tubes put in at the begining of Feb. All is going well with them. No ear infections so they must be doing their job. The boys had a follow up appointment for a hearing screening and also a tube check the begining of March. Jared's tubes are where they need to be and his hearing was just fine. Joshua's tubes are where they need to be but his hearing is another story. He failed his right ear and was on the edge for his left. We had another appointment today to retest him. His left ear is fine but he has limited hearing in his right ear. The technician said it could be a result of the tube not letting enough sound waves through his ear but it also could be a true hearing issue. The next step is to have a Sedated ABR (auditory brainstem response) test done. Joshua will have to be sedated for this test as they need a quite room to get the full result and if you know 2 year olds you know they are not quite. I swear mine talk in their sleep. There will be 3 or 4 small stickers on Joshua' head, connected to leads going into a computer. Sounds will be presented through an earphone to each ear separately while a computer analyzes the changes in the brain wave pattern in response to sounds. We should find out the results of the test that day and then we will know what we need to do next. If it has to do with the tubes they may take the right ear out and put a new one in. If it has to do with the ear canal then we will need to seek further help depending on how severe the hearing loss is. He is scheduled to have his test on May 7th. I will let you know how it turns out.


My dad and Karen came down mid-March to spend a long weekend. We had a lot of fun. We took the boys to the Aquarium and they loved it. I would love to post pictures but we are having a problem with our computer so I can't get to them right now. As soon as I can I will post some. Jared loved the Hippos and Joshua loved the Turtles. They walked from tank to tank in awww of all the fish. They did not care for the Shark Tunnel or the Scuba Divers but as long as they we able to squeeze onto one of us they were ok.

Karen and I went to a craft fair on Saturday and that started a long week of the Easter Bunny. Joshua told me every morning No see Easter Bunny, no see Easter Bunny. Well we went to see the Easter Bunny yesterday with Dave and they said NO EASTER BUNNY. Needless to say wecame home and took a picture of them holding their Easter Bunnies in front of the fire place and that will have to do for this year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Turning 2

Joshua and Jared turn 2. We had such a good time celebrating their birthday with family and a few friends. The boys had some of their playdate buddies that came too. The cupcake cones were a big hit. All the kids enjoyed them. Joshua and Jared got clothes, books and some new toys to play with when the weather gets nice.
Dave had to work on their actually birthday so my mom and I took them to Build a Bear and they were able to stuff animals and then dress them. Joshua picked a monkey and Jared picked an elephant. They absolutely love their animals. They have to nap with them and go to sleep with them at night. I even had to rock Jared and his elephant the other night. We went out for lunch and the boys even got ice cream, at least they tried it. Cake and ice cream when Dave got home. All and all it was a good week full of birthday fun.
Both boys had to go to DuPont to have their hearing tested as a result of having tubes put in. Jared did enough to pass but Joshua didn't want to coorperate so we have to go back in 4 weeks. I know that he can hear but the technician can not pass him unless he does what she needs him to do. We will try again.
The boys start a tumbling class tomorrow. Hopefully it will let some energy out and they will sleep for awhile when they are through. I will let you know.
As of now we are still waiting to see if Dave's company will go on stike. They have a verbal agreement and the lawyers are drawing up paperwork as I type but until it is voted on and signed there is still a chance. Hoepfully things will go ok and Dave will not have to strike.
Well that is all I have to post as of now. I will post more after our tumbling class.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Monkies

Well they have done it. They have learned how to climb out of their cribs. I walked in to get them this morning and they were running around their room. I heard no thuds and no cries so they must have gotten out gracefully. However next time we may not be as lucky. Dave and I are not ready to put them in toddler beds and I don't think they are ready for them either so the only other option is a crib tent. I had never even heard of these prior to becoming a mom to multiples. There are many other MOM's who have these or have used these in the past. It is an actually tent that goes over the crib so that kids can not climb out. I love that the boys are exploring but I think we will keep climbing to downstairs and at gyms so we can be safe. We ordered them and they will be here within a couple days, so hoefully we can make it to that point without any broken bones. Wish us luck!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All went well

The boys did very well for surgery. The Dr. put tubes in both ears of both boys and did it all in 3 minutes per child. It was fast. Revcovery took a little longer though, like all day. Jared woke up very cranky, but who wouldn't after being knocked out. Joshua slept a little longer but he was still a little cranky. Both boys cried the whole way home from DuPont, about a 30 minute drive, but then slept for 3 hours once we got home. They woke up and for the most part were back to their old sleves. So far so good.
We have light in our living room, which is great since before we always ended up playing in the dark at night or by the light from the dining room. Uncle Allen finished up that room today and is almost done our family room. YEAH!!!
We took the boys to have their 2 year old pictures taken this week. We started out good and then Jared lost it. He would not smile or stay put. Joshua is a ham and kept smiling to get more picture of himself to see on the screen. We did get a good one of them together with the #2 so it is ok. I will post them when I get them. Bye bye for now.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well we have a date for surgery. February 6th. The boys both cleared their Pre-op appointments and we are all set. Now it is just waiting until next Friday. I have been told that tubes make a world of difference. I hope so, I hate knowing that Joshua and Jared are in pain but there is nothing we can do, ezcept numb their ears, to help them.
Other than that we are all doing well. Work has begun to put lights in our Family Room and Living Room. We have been dealing with lamps since we moved in and it doesn't quite work at night, too dark. Our living room, or the boys playroom, is almost complete we just need the fan to be put up and then it is onto the Family room that is proving to be harder than expected but I have faith that my uncle can do it or at least find someone who can.
It is hard to believe that in less than a month my little men will be 2. WOW where did the time go. They are so active and fearless it scares me sometimes. I know boys will be boys but I truely believe that there are time when my heart stops due to whatever it is that they are doing. I refer to them as my little monkies. They will climb everything, whether it is bolted down or not. I have new pictures I just have to download them to the computer and then I will post them. I will post more after surgery.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all. The Wothers family was full of fun over the holidays. The boys had a ball opening presents. It was cute. Joshua had a little trouble with the concept of handing others their presents but he did it with a smile so what more can I ask for. The morning started off with breakfast and presents with Mommy and Daddy. Then Mom Mom and Pop Pop came over, then it was Grammy's turn. After lunch and nap we headed off to Aunt Debbie's for dinner. She makes really good Lasgna. Friday was a day of rest and playing while Mommy and Daddy packed for NY. The boys are getting better at long car rides. ELMO saves the trip again. My sister had sent a picture of the snow right before Christmas but it was all gone by the time we got there, my big question is why was it 57 degrees in NY in January? The boys didn't get to use their new snowpants, boots or sleds. Maybe we will see some in PA at some point this winter. While in NY we saw lots of trains and we really like them. Grandpa missed us so much and we missed him. It only took the boys about an hour or so before they started running to him. All in all we had a great Christmas, we now have an ELMO kitchen so Mommy can learn to cook, a ride on Choo-choo train and an Easel to draw pretty pictures on.
New Years was great. We had friends of ours, who also have twins, come over for dinner. 3 little men and a little lady all sitting at a little table. Where was the camera? The kids all hung out and played and then it was bed time. After everyone was sleeping Dave and I went to our friends' house and ate, drank and talked until the ball dropped. A great way to spend the new year.
Well that is about it for now. I will post more on the boys and their ear infection progress when I know more.