
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

15 months

The boys went to the Doctors yesterday for their 15 month check up. They are both doing well. Joshua weighs 24lbs 14ozs and is 31 inches long. Jared weighs 24lbs 2ozs and is 30.5 inches long. Both boys have doubles their length since birth and the weigh about 8x as much as they did when they were born.
For Mother's Day I bought Wee Bundle dolls. The dolls are a representation of just how little preemie babies can be. I ordered them to match the sizes of the boys when they were born. The dolls arrived about 2 weeks ago. Sometimes I forget just how little Joshua and Jared really were. Dave and my Mom think that they are weird looking. I dressed the dolls in preemie clothes that the boys actaully wore the first time they wore clothes in the NICU. I look at them and it is a joy to see how far each one of my little miracles has come.
Some people see twins and they automatically say "Double Trouble" I tell people that I am "Doubly Blessed." I got 2 for the price of 1 and would not change anything about that.

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