
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 26, 2008

14 months/March for Babies

Another month that flew on by. Other mom's have told me that their kids grow up too fast. They were right. I am home with the boys everyday and I am still amazed on how fast they are growing and all the new things that they can do. The boys are doing well. Jared is holding steady with 6 teeth while his "big" brother Josh has 8. We thought we saw new ones coming in but I guess it was a piece of food. Josh has found a favorite toy, a little tikes Zebra from their Noah's Ark playset. It is by far the best toy in the playyard according to Josh. It is the first thing he looks for each morning and each time he enters the playyard. He plays with other toys but the Zebra is always in a hand. Jared really hasn't found a toy that he loves yet but I am sure he will.
The boys and I along with some family and friends walked in our 2nd March for Babies today. It was a rough start and ending but the middle was nice. You have to arrive early to check in and then wait until the walk starts and Joshua and Jared have the patients of a 14 motnh old ( which is non exsistent) so they were fussy before we started. As soon as we moved they were good for the most part. We are at the stage where we can move on our own and sitting for long periods of time are not fun. Overall it was a good walk, the weather was in the mid-60's and it was kinda overcast so it wasn't too hot (unless you count the sweat beading off my head on the way UP the hill). We made our goal, YEAH!! Grammy made her goal, YEAH!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No more DuPont

Well all is well here in the Wothers' household. Joshua had a follow-up visit to DuPont today in regards to his surgery. The Dr. gave him a clean bill of health and discharged him. We don't have to see him unless we/doctors feel the need to see him. No more DuPont, that is until next January when both Joshua and Jared return for a follow-up for their eyes. They will see an opothomologist (sp?) 1x a year until they are old enough to take the test at the doctors office.On another note Dave is done his shut down and will return to a normal schedule as of tonight. It was nice having him home with us everynight but the boys missed out on lots of Daddy time. The schedule that we have all learned to rely on is now back. Although I love taking the boys to the grocery store with me (they are very good) it will be nice to either leave them at home or have an extra set of hands to clean up the messes that they make just by sitting in the front seat of the cart (it is amazing what they can reach).

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Little Woodchucks

I have 2 little woodchucks. The sides of their cribs prove it. Their cribs are side-by-side longways so when they stand up and look at each other they chew on the siderails. I bought Crib Bitter strips to see if they will help but who knows my children will probably figure out a way to get them off or bite through them too.
I have also rearranged the livingroom again to better suit the needs of 2 active 13 month olds. They now have half of the livingroom instead of just a little part. We are usign the dog cage to hold up one end of the playyard gate and my toy box to hold up the other. It is quite amusing to see all the toys that the boys have accumulated but they love them all and rotate around the playyard when they play.
Joshua and Jared have started to play with each other instead of just along side each other which is great. They "share" toys and also take tosy from each other. They are big readers. Whenever someone is in the playyard with them Jared will bring you a book and when you are finished reading it he will go and find another one to give you (or throw at you depending on his mood). I love watching them grow into little boys. It is the best feeling.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

13 months

Wow the boys are 13 months old already. This past year was full of ups and downs. But look at them now. Joshua and Jared have come such a long way. They started out weighing 2lbs 11ozs and 2lbs 12ozs and now they are 22lbs and 23lbs. Joshua has 8 teeth and Jared has 6. They are now eating big boy food and drinking milk. Just about anything you can cut up small they will eat. They love their fruits and veggies. Both boys are crawling all over. The good thing so far is that they explore together. So as of now we are chasing in one direction most times. They are pulling themselves up and letting go everynow and then. Joshua is more adventurous than Jared is but he is not far behind his "big" brother. I am not quite sure they know what to do with their feet as far as walking yet. Mommy did it. I separated them. They are now in separate cribs for naps and overnight. I think I had a harder time with the new step than they did. The boys are in the same room but their cribs are next to each other, they can still touch for that security. I have been doing it slowly for naps but it was only this past week when the boys were both sick that I put them in separate cribs. It was a move that needed to be done. The boys are getting bigger and they were rolling over onto each other and waking each other up.