
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wow there is a lot to report here in the Wothers' house. Let's start from the begining, I quit my job and am now a Stay at Home Mommy again. I loved working at Aardvark but was not happy being away from the boys. with Dave working shift work the boys were also missing out on Daddy time and that was hard on all of them. So here I am at home catching up on things that I have missed since I went back to work this summer.
There was a virus going around school and the boys and I spent our last week at school at home being sick and then Daddy got sick too. No one would come over to visit because we were all sooo sick. Grammy said that she would come over but she was leaving stuff on the doorstep and ringing the doorbell.
Joshua still has fluid in his ears so we went to see an ENT (ear, nose and throat) Specialist yesterday. The Dr says that Joshua needs tubes in his ears. In order to make an appointment he has to be cleared by a Cardiologist. Go figure the kid had surgery last year and he didn't need an appointment now he does. Oh well.
Jared and Joshua went to see the Developmental Pediatrician today and they are soo smart. She was amazed at what they can do. They are falling right in sync with typical developing peers and in some areas a little better. Her suggestion: keep doing whatever it is we are doing with them since they are doing great. I love to hear things like that. With the boys being preemies sometimes I wonder if they are doing ok for their age. So far so good.
Grandpa is coming to visit this weekend and we can not wait. The boys helped clean his room and make his bed. They are all ready for a fun weekend with Grandpa.
Wow that was a lot of info in a short time. I will let you go now and I PROMISE that I will be better and keep up with the blog more often.