
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010

1st Trip to the Beach

Dave finally had a day off. We decided to take a day trip to the beach. Now let me set the stage for you. The boys got a sandbox for their birthday. They were so excited, they got toys and buckets, sifters and shovels. Everything needed to play in a sandbox. This is how they play in their sandbox everyday, on the outside while sitting on a blanket.
I knew that the boys would probably sit on a blanket in order to play in the sand and that was ok with me. What I did not expect was the pure hatered for sand. They would walk from the blanket to the water with no problems but sitting in their chairs with sand on their feet was totally not ok with them. Jared spent most of the day sitting in his chair or on the blanket with his feet in the air. He was happy but did not like the sand.
Joshua was a little more daring. He did play in the sand (while sitting on a blanket) and was not so concerned about the sand being on his feet.All in all I think we had an ok day. Not the best but it sure could have gone worse.
They were much happier on the way home.

We will try it again.