
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

1st day of Preschool

Last Friday was the first day that Jared and Joshua went to Preschool. Dave had to work so I took them and made snack mats with them. The boys picked their paper and then we added shapes, stickers, pictures from home and Pooh Bears (that is their class name).

This Friday was their 1st official day of Preschool since they went without Mommy and Daddy. NO TEARS. That made it easier for Mommy. Dave and I went out for Breakfast, went shopping and then picked up the boys. They were excited to see us and tell us all about their day. Hopefully everyweek will be as good.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tube/Hearing Check

Today was our 6 month Tube/Hearing check for the boys. Dave got stuck on overtime so my mom went with us. The boys ran around duPont playing with different things until it was our turn and then the tears started. Josh cried for Grammy and Jared while Jared cried for Mommy and Joshua. The boys did an average job for their hearing tests. We still do not like strangers and then when they are in the same room with us and trying to make us stick things in our ears or wear headphones. It does not make us happy. Jared's hearing is still normal and there has been no change for Joshua (yeah, normal hearing still in the left ear).
Next we changed room and met with a Nurse Practitioner. She was looking at the hearing tests and said that Joshua's level were a little high for his right ear and she was unsure as to why. UMMMMMMM maybe because he has a hearing loss in his right ear. And I paid for this visit.

Summer has just about ended. The weather has turned to fall and we are enjoying walks and being outside for longer periods of time since it is not so hot.

The boys start school next week. I will be sure to post onhow their first day goes. Talk to you later.