
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Spring has hit and we are ready (kind of). Depending on the day the boys either love being outside and cry when it is time to go in or they hate it and cry when we try to take them out.

School is done so we will be looking for things to keep us busy. One of the boys favorite parts of school was going to the library and being able to pick out books to bring home and read. We are going to try and make a weekly visit to our local library so that they can continue to get books. The boys are also becoming very interested in their friends, they ask who is coming to play and when we will see certain friends again. Bring on the playdates.

We are officially big boys. Big boys bed-check and they love them. Big boy underwear-check and we are doing really well. An accident here and there but not to bad. Mommy and Daddy are so happy to not have to change diapers anymore. Although we now face different obstacles, making sure whereever we go we are near a potty, potty breaks in the middle of dinner, we having to go potty before we leave the house so we are now back to taking forever to get out of the house. I will take any of these situations instead of diapers though.

Bella and Thunder have turned 5. It is hard to believe that we have had them for 5 years. That means that Dave and I have been married for almost 5 years since we got B & T the week we came home from our honeymoon. WOW how time flies.

Happy Memorial Day.