
Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 days of School

Well we have completed 2 days of school and all went well. The boys went trhough a lot of changes in 2 days. Getting dressed right away in the morning, playing with new friends, eating lunch at a really small table and sitting in really small chairs, taking a nap on a cot, eating new foods, playing with new toys and overall adjusting to a new routine. All and all they both did really well. On Thursday we (all the kids in the building eat the same thing for lunch and snack) had french toast sticks and saugage patties for lunch. The boys have eaten french toast before so that was not a problem. For snack it was pretzels, something the boys have not had yet but they are now on our shopping list beczuse they could not get enough of them. Jared had to be removed from the table because he would not stop eating and then taking pretzels from others.
I also had 2 good days. I think it helps that Joshua and Jared are downstairs and I can go and see them whenever I feel like I need to see them. I try not to let them see me but it happened yesterday and I just gave them both hugs and kisses and I left and I didn't hear any tears so it was good. I am very comfortable in my surroundings. I can offer ideas and not feel like I am out of place.
Dave was a little loney yesterday. He worked on Thursday but was off yesterday. It is a big change for all of us but it is a good one. It makes the weekends and dinner time more special for us to spend as a family.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Hello I am writing to tell you about the changes happening in the Wothers household. It has come to the time when I have to go back to work. It stinks but I have to. A couple weeks ago I went and saw a daycare setting and loved it. There was a possiblity to work there also. I started to fill out the paperwork and was getting ready to enroll the boys when something else came up. On our way home from Lancaster on Wednesday we passed a Preschool called Aardvark. It is a Child Care Learning Center. I called them when we got home to see if they had any job openings and was surprised to hear that they did. I had an interview Wed. night with the administrator. I absolutely loved the place. It was a friendly environment and the opporrtunities for little ones was amazing. I continued to talk to the adminstrator and she offered me a job. I went back on Thursday to follow a teacher around and see what it was all about. Again I had a great time and I loved what I saw. Today Dave and I took the boys to play. They took a little while to warm up but when they did they were off, playing with new friends. It was then that I knew that this was the place for us. We all start school next Thursday. I will be teaching Pre-K (4 year olds in the fall). For the summer is 1 room for 3-5 olds, so I will be there with another teacher. I can't wait to start but I am also scared. It has been an amazing 17 months, being home with the boys. I would love to stay home and continue but it is just not possible. I believe that everything happens for a reason and for whatever reason we drove past Aardvark and now Josh, Jared and I will start a new adventure. Dave is going to have some changes too, he is used to us always being around. He will now have his time to be home alone but I know he will miss us. After the 1st month or so he can keep the boys home with him on his days off if he wants to. We want them to get into a routine so he will have to wait but the option is always there. Although I will now be a working Mom Aardvark is only 5 minutes up the road. It will be nice, I am going back to work which sometimes I do miss and the boys will be socialized with other people besides Mommy and Daddy (we are the favorites and always will be but they still need to grow too). Well that is all the news here. Hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Carnival Weekend

Well it has been awhile since we came home from NY and I thought it was time to show the world how much fun the boys had with Grandpa. We went to visit our family in NY and got to go to a carnival. Joshua and Jared had never been to one so it was nice to be able to share it with Grandpa. For little men who now hate the vacuum cleaner they sat front row at the parade and watched all the fire truck and listened to all the sirens and never once flinched. They loved it. I tried to cover their ears and they wanted nothing to do with me. Once we arrived at the carnival they had fun. The rode on a Choo-choo train, a merry go round and cars (until Jared stood up). That was about all they could do at their size but they had fun. Grandpa also gave them their 1st taste of a snowcone, lemonade and fried dough. Of course they enjoyed each new food. After to carnival was all over we went to Hamlin Beach which in on Lake Ontario. The thought for the day was to play in the water and then in the sand. Well the boys had other plans, the water was too cold for them and the sand well the sand was just sand and they didn't like it. So we played with our beach toys on a blanket with Grandpa and Aunt Shelby. A fun time was had by all.