
Birthday Ticker

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fair and MRI

So far we are having a good start to our summer. We took the boys to the DC Fair last weekend and they loved it. As soon as 1 ride was done they were asking for the next one. There were a lot of ride that they could actually ride and I loved that. From big slides to motorcycles and even their 1st roller coaster (kiddie style that is). They had a blast.

Joshua has an MRI scheduled for this Friday to look at his ears but also to look at his glands along his jawline. The jawline on both Josh and Jared's right side swells up and then goes away and then comes back again. It is weird so we want to know what it is. Once they have results for Joshua if there is a concern then we will schedule Jared's but since Joshua will already be under they will do both MRI's.

Joshua was also evaluated by an Early Intervention team last week. He has no delays but because of the hearing loss he will receive therapy once a month. It is more a way to monitor him right now but also to help Dave and I understand what we need to do to help Joshua get the most of things that he can.

Hope all is well with you. Talk to you later.